Gluten Free Oat Matzos Hand - Lakewood


G.F. Hand Matzos {Lakewood} Gluten Free Oat Hand (Round) Matzoh: Hand made gluten free oat shmurah matzoh (Three Matzohs Per box) According to...

Gluten Free Oat Matzos Hand - Lakewood

G.F. Hand Matzos {Lakewood}

Gluten Free Oat Hand (Round) Matzoh:

Hand made gluten free oat shmurah matzoh (Three Matzohs Per box)

According to halachic authorities, oat matzohs should not be eaten by those who can tolerate gluten, however, for those who must follow a gluten free diet, gluten free oat matzohs may be the perfect solution. For our gluten free oat matzoh we have duplicated the size, shape and texture of the traditional hand made matzoh. We use certified gluten free oats that are grown, cleaned, and ground in a totally gluten free environment. We have gone to great lengths to provide orthodox rabbinical supervision at the harvesting, de hulling, cleaning and grinding process thereby assuring, kosher for Passover gluten free oat matzohs.

Certified gluten free oat flour and water only

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SKU: 783396400073

Item Code: LAK40007

Size: 1/2 Pound

UPC: 12.00

Packaging: 1 Box { 3 Matzos }

Brand: Lakewood Matzoh Bakery

Kosher Certification: Chuf K

Gluten Free: Yes

Soy Free: Yes

Sugar Free: Yes



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