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Customer Service
We offer the lowest available shipping cost and do our best to ship the orders within 24hrs of your placement. You have to place the order via email or phone. It is the customer’s liability to receive the product on the first attempt of delivery itself. If a holiday comes in between the transit, then it will get delayed by one or two days. As soon as you receive the package, first you have to ensure that the product is in perfect sealed condition. If it’s a frozen item, please freeze the product on arrival itself. Charges for shipping are decided after analyzing the final destination and the weight of the product.
All the information both personal and financial details collected from you will be confidential. We always undertake reasonable security measures to ensure the safety of the information collected for processing the payment. Our acquiescence with privacy legislation is detailed in a separate privacy page that you can access from our home page.
Return or Replacement of the product is possible if the product delivered to you is defective or damaged or it’s not up to your expectation. You have to inform us about the condition of the product as soon as you receive the package. Our representative will evaluate your claim for replacement or reimbursement of the product and sanction the claim if it’s a genuine case. If there arises any difficulty for return or replacement of the product, we carry out reimbursement of the amount initially debited from you for the purchase inclusive of packaging and postage charges. You can also claim for reimbursement if we fail to deliver the product on time.
Got questions or comments? We are eager to hear from you. Drop us an email at Tell us what you like about, and how you think we can improve. Your feedback counts!
We hope your experience with us has been delightful, and we look forward to serving you with all your gluten free needs for many healthy years to come.
If you wish to speak with a customer service representative, please call us at 718-633-3200